Exercise Talisman Sabre

With the tag “Sabre Rattling” in the corner of the screen the ABC TV carried a story tonight about the joint Australian/US exercise currently underway at Shoalwater Bay near Rockhampton, Queensland. Ever keen to put down on the ADF, the ABC managed to find some weirdos who were just looking for the chance to stand in front of a TV camera and sprout anti-military rubbish. Greens think the Bay is under threat ecologically and plan a demonstration in Rockhampton. Something to entertain the crowds in an otherwise quite backwater of Australia. They arranged for a Colonel to deny that the ADF was using depleted uranium rounds during the deployment and in addition, screened a dramatic background video of a vehicle tearing up the sand as the greenie waffled on, notwithstanding the fact that the sand will be smoothed over come the next high tide. Have to give it to the ABC, they’re consistant – not one positive comment in the whole article. Find everything you needed to know about the exercise here including Environment Policy documents and Maritime Awareness Defence Video, which, come to think of it, is more than most people need to know. What they need to know is that the ADF work hard at inter-unit and international training to better enable them to do their job so that the taxpayer funded ABC can dump on them. Bastards!


  • “not one positive comment in the whole article” Really!?? Then you obviously didn’t listen too closely or chose not to hear the audio state that Rockhampton and district will profit from the exercises to the tune of $15 million (or was it fifty, I forget) as each US soldier is expected to spend on average $3,000. Then there’s our own ADF, who I’m sure might just be allowed a little R & R. Not to mention other forces involved.

    Honestly Kevin, do yourself a favour and step outside your unreasoning hatred of an institution you think is ideologically biased and take an objective look for once. The world is not right wing, as much as you might wish it to be. Get a fucking life, will you?

  • Get a fucking life, will you?

    Squeeze me? Baking Powder? That’s rich coming from an fat, ugly, communist, racist, unemployed, nudist trekky.

  • Kev

    What I want to know is why does the ADF need to spend it’s time and scarce resources kow-towing to these Greeny fuckheads by writing environmental reports. They should tell them to get fucked.

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  • To be honest, I actually think defence needs to throw the media a bit more of a bone occasionally. I’ve been watching the media coverage of the exercise via Google for the last week or two and the only thing that ever seems to rate is questions by some local mayor or the greenies about depleted uranium or torn up local roads. Controversy always sells, and certainly the ABC just can’t help themselves in this regard, but plenty of other things about the exercise could have been offered up for the thirty second spiel and I reckon the media would have easily taken the bait. I’m thinking that maybe Defence could have trotted out some new toy that they were supposedly trialling during the exercise (sniper rifles, the bushmaster?). I noticed 1 Brigade was being loaded into USS Boxer the other day so perhaps they could have sponsored a report from the deck of that amphibious carrier as she transits round to Rockhampton. That’s got to look sexy no matter how dull the material. So while I’m plenty happy to sink the boot into the ABC, sometimes I wonder whether Defence couldn’t be doing it better.

  • I’m hoping they link arms and try to block the beach while an amphibious landing is taking place- it’ll be good crabbing for days, and there’ll be plenty of bloodworms to go after flathead, courtesy of flathippy.

  • Niall,
    Kev was wearing a uniform and defending this country when you were still sitting in a puddle of your own shit.

    He has more mates from those days than you will ever have in your life, you cretin.

    To quote an old Sergeant Major’s saying: “Fuck off, or I’ll rip your head off and shit in the hole”

  • None of the media are aware of the presence of the 160th SOAR in Townsville working with 171 Avn Sqn. That would be the 160th SOAR of ‘Blackhawk Down’ infamy.

  • Murph,

    Yes, I have always accused Defence PR of being reactive rather than proactive.

    Military spokesmen should laugh, say “Yeah, whatever�, and walk away. People making a meal out of these crumbs shouldn’t be given any oxygen.

    You’re right on the money…Once again, Army PR are too often reactive rather than proactive.

    Niall, The money being put into the community was not given as a positive for the military. It was like the little Marxist shit that was writing the piece was saying “at least we get some money out of those evil yanks”

    The term ‘Sabre Rattling’ has always been a put-down on the military and if you don’t think so then you’re wrong. Of the two of us, I’m the only with the background to know an insult when I hear/see one.

    I don’t ‘hate’ the ABC, I just think poorly of their balance. Hatred and other obsessive emotions I leave for others who often shout at me telling me to ‘get a life’

  • PQ- I didn’t know Kev was still in uniform last week.

  • Whatever you reckon Kevin. Your sentiments spell out your ethos all too clearly. Your denial doesn’t hide anything.
    ‘Sabre-Rattling’ as a form of terminology, Kevin, is something that you ex-military types seem to have adopted as a badge of courage, rather than a slight against your service. Perhaps you need some assistance in moving past the bile you feel today’s society has against you for doing what a blind-sided government wanted you to do in Vietnam. I for one don’t deny you your pride at having served. I don’t agree the fight was valid, but it happened. C’est la vie.

    My point in commenting, which I notice you have adoitly completely ignored, was that you consistently take selective umbrage against an institution for a bias which simply doesn’t exist. I pointed as much out to you, but as I stated, you chose not to acknowledge it.

    PQ. When ‘Kev’ was in Vietnam, I was working for a living. Diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks. He’s a few years older than me, but not by much I’ll warrant. For the record, had Whitlam not won in `73, I’d have taken whatever steps necessary to ensure I didn’t fight in a conflict I didn’t agree with because a government I didn’t elect said I had to. Just because Kevin chose to be a career soldier and I chose not to, doesn’t make him a better person than me or visa-versa. If you think differently, as Kevin so eloquently stated himself….you’re wrong. Now…..if you have a real argument, bring it forth. If not, as I suggested higher up…..get a fucking life.

  • Perhaps you need some assistance in moving past the bile you feel today’s society has against you for doing what a blind-sided government wanted you to do in Vietnam.
    Society doesn’t have anything against me, they think my profession is honest and worthy of respect. The current series in the Courier Mail, for example, honour men who fought for their country against a similar evil to communism, not the men who chose to support the other side by refusing to fight or generally supporting the enemy in other ways. The people I do have a problem with are those who swallowed the communist line so totally that decades later they still find fault with the West trying to stop the slow spread of the evil that was communism.
    There are men who recognise evil when they see it and do something about it and there are those who don’t and by doing nothing, support it.

  • Nice prose. What’s your point?

  • “A government I didn’t elect”? I happen to believe as I receive free medical/dental, I shouldn’t pay the QLD Ambulance Levy. And that taxes are too high so I’m only going to pay half. And etc etc etc. Welcome to democracy Niall. Either cast your vote and accept the majority decision or pack your bags and find another home.

    And while you are packing up the shed, don’t forget to take those half full tins of red paint left over from your protesting Vietnam days. If it comes within a mile of the boys returning from Iraq, criticism of the ABC and torn up Rockhampton roads will be the least of your concerns.

  • Jeez Niall, what part of la-la land do you live in, you fat cretin?
    Slugs like you have been and continue to be the ADF’s hidden enemy.

    Cowards, traitors, fellow travellers, and seditionists. Take any chance to denigrate the military and get in a cheap shot against people who can’t answer back.

    I repeat the the RSM’s advice. Fuck off.

  • Such eloquence without focus. I’m still awaiting clarification of a relevant point.