On the Road again

To cold here in Brisbane – 24 degrees during the day but approaching single figures at night. As happens every June I get the bug for warmer climes and load up the 4×4 (SUV) and head north. This year I am going right to the top of Cape York Peninsular. I’ve already been up once but this time I’m taking my two brothers-in-law and my elder son Stu with a mate of his, Rocky. We taking my Disco and Stu’s V6 Triton Dual-Cab. It is not a small undertaking as Cape York is very, very remote and there are rivers to ford (and risk the V8 Discovery) and a lot of severe 4- wheel driving through some frightening but spectacular mountain passes. There is one section of the Old Telegraph Track of about 40 km that took us the best part of two days to negotiate on the last trip. I will post along the way when there are computers and internet but as I said, very remote country. If I don’t post much you will know why and if you visit, then here is some reading about the one of the last remote treks in the western world- Flora and fauna, Wikopedia, some pics and an article by another Discovery owner – Cape York The big trip to the tip. As you beaver away in your airconditioned office think of me in the wilds….enjoying it.