Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Cat fight

morrisonand kateAfter being  bouyed and lifted by the Sgt Troy Simmonds’ interview we have this embarrassing picture and article as headline news in today’s The Australian.  For those who don’t know, the woman was a man and Lieutenant Colonel in the Army who changed sides. The guy is retired Major General Morrison, named yesterday as the Australian of the Year (AOTY). She is having a cat fight and isn’t happy that she didn’t get AOTY. It is supposed to be unifying, dignifying and above reproach. But the freshly minted 2016 Australian of the Year award is embroiled in bittern­ess, recrimination and division with a finalist from the beaten brigade, transgender military officer Catherine McGregor, shooting down the choice of David Morrison as “weak and conventional”. A rift between RAAF reservist Group Captain McGregor and her former boss, retired Lieutenant General Morrison, the former chief of the army, was aired in a gay and lesbian journal, the Star Observer, as the nation went back to work after Australia Day celebrations.
“He’s on a steep learning curve when it comes to LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex) and trans issues, he needs to learn a lot and rapidly,’’ Group Captain McGregor, a former polit­ical adviser, told the journal.
Catherine, nobody needs to be on learning curve about LGBTI issues be they steep or flat.  We aren’t interested in your medical condition and if you don’t believe that try and raise the subject in your local pub.  Shut up about it and go on with your life.  No reasonable person would condemn you for your affliction but we don’t need to hear about it every second day in the  media. It’s bad enough that the panel chose another activist as AOTY without cat fights from losers. While the good Sergeant was fighting the good fight his boss, the General commanding the Australian Army, was fighting  for gender equality in a video that went viral as a pidgeon pair with Gillard’s misogyny speech. (Scripted, I might add by Catherine when she was Malcom). It became his claim to fame and it is obviously the main consideration in his selection. What must  the western world think of us.  Our allies will be sniggering and the ADF simply embarrassed by it all.  

Sgt Troy Simmonds on Afghanistan

Troy Simmonds joined the Australian Army in 1991 and completed one tour of Somalia, three tours of East Timor, two tours of Iraq and six tours of Afghanistan. Watch the video and give silent thanks that men like him are watching over us. It’s 30 minutes so if your busy now set time aside to watch later. The video is an AWM production and gives brief mention of Donaldson’s VC. Enjoy.

Australia Day

I could’ve picked the AOTY by just selecting the last person I would choose for the honour. Well, it used to be an honour and I used to think they were far better men or women than, me but over the last three years at least, it is not the case. Three years ago we had an Aboriginal whose claim to fame were as follows; He could play football, He publicaly ridiculed a teenage girl accusing her of racism, and He  found it hard to say “I am proud to be Australian” after seeing Pilger’s ‘Utopia’  Not proud to be an Australian…John Pilger…Utopia… We then had a woman, a long term victim of domestic violence, who left her young son in the care of the main perpetrator of this violence, whereupon he beat the kid to death with a cricket bat! My role model would’ve kept the kid away from the bastard, not hand him over for slaughter. Now today we have a retired General who’s only claim to fame is a speech he gave accusing the military of misogyny telling them if they didn’t like women in the the ADF they should get out. This seemed to be based on the fact that some male soldiers were hitting on some female soldiers. Some cases were criminal or offensive but the rate of such offenses in the military was much less than the civilian rate and anyway, if soldiers commit offences then charge them and if warranted discharge them. You don’t start with the premise that problems are rife when they clearly aren’t. The speech was written by an Army officer who was a man but now claims to be a woman. FFS The General says his main points over the tenure of his honour will be domestic violence, diversity, the gender pay gap and the republican movement. I would like to think the AOTY award would recognize people who had excelled in their field  thus representing what’s best about Australia, not some doom and gloom activist whose whole outlook is concentrating on the minuscule number of hormone driven offences, slaughtered babies or teenage football fans. Those indigenous of the perpetually offended type call it Invasion Day.  Some fool even had a pic of himself with a banner accusing Cook of invading in 1788, some years after Cook’s death.  Phillips, who was actually the guy who came in 1788 was very fair to the indigenous, tried to help where he could and showed restraint when attacked, but apparently the great unwashed occupying Facebook and Twitter don’t even know of Phillip.  The indigenous have done well from us whities but there are plenty of fools who would wish we had never came; what with our medicine, transport, alcohol, decent and plentiful food, roads, railways, sit down money and money for grants the whole thing makes me think of the Monty Python Sketch on What did the Romans ever do for us? The Left attack any sign of patriotism.  Flags are a no no as is lamb (currently cooking in my BBQ) and we all  should bow to the God of Multiculturalism.  Most who have come from overseas have fitted in well but the later Muslim wave is a worry.  They will always put religion before nation and seem to go out of the way not to fit in. Open borders would leave us in a fools paradise and if we’re not careful we well may experience the associated problems in Europe where member nations are asking Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel “What have you done?” Reminds me of Rudyard Kippling and his poem on the problem; This was my father’s belief And this is also mine: Let the corn be all one sheaf– And the grapes be all one vine, Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge By bitter bread and wine. Makes me think. But no too much as I have to get the lamb roast just right for tonight’s dinner.  I’m using the BBQ for the first time and all seems well.  Apple pie and custard (my Mum’s recipe) will follow. I’ll be thinking of what makes Australia great and that’s  a whole lot more than what might be wrong with this great nation. Have a good day and ignore the whingers. UPDATE: Quadrant has more on Morrison’s appointment.
What we don’t hear often are the voices saying that Morrison demoralised the army with his “feminisation” of the service, which scandalously included taxpayer-funded sex-change operations. Or that his concerns about gender-bashing came very late in his career. The enthusiasm for his YouTube clip effectively snuffed out any analysis of the Morrison style: the fierce, almost jihadist fanaticism in his eyes, the tightened facial muscles, what might be taken by some to be a self-righteous vindictiveness lurking in his delivery. Those who puzzled as to why the Chief of Army needed to deal so publicly with an internal disciplinary matter involving spotty cadets and a hidden video camera might just have glimpsed the unleashing of a political ambition fettered for four decades by military discipline.
And Miranda Devine has a go.
While Australian soldiers were dying in Afghanistan, Morrison was talking about social ­engineering concerns such as gender equity. Fourteen soldiers died between July 2011 and July 2014 in that dangerous and confusing war, when Morrison was chief of Army. But instead of the leadership that ​soldiers at the frontline may have ​craved, they got flowery speeches decrying masculinity and patriarchy to mark International Women’s Day at the United Nations.

GM foods now OK

Leading Anti GM activist apologises.
By Mark Lynas – I want to start with some apologies. For the record, here and upfront, I apologize for having spent several years ripping up GM crops. I am also sorry that I helped to start the anti-GM movement back in the mid 1990s, and that I thereby assisted in demonising an important technological option which can be used to benefit the environment.
Full report here

Greens leader Richard Di Natale questions party’s GM food ban

Federal Greens leader Richard Di Natale has partially broken with his party’s policy, saying that he does not believe genetically modified crops pose a significant risk to human health.
Full report here So, after millions of dollars lost in production and untold numbers of poor people dead from starvation that could have been averted, the insane Greens now say they were wrong. They need to be a billed for the damage they cause. Coal mining could be next…nah…they’ll maintain their impracticable stance and cost the country billions. Should be open season on the bastards.

Peak stupid in The Oz

Stupid letters to the Editor.

It is both bemusing and amusing to read once again about the supposed weakness of wind power being that the wind doesn’t always blow (Letters, 6/1). It doesn’t always rain, but every time I turn the tap on, water comes out.

Stephen Morgan, Carina Heights, Qld

It is bemusing, amusing and frightening that Stephen would even say this in a public forum.  He has his day in the sunshine when The Australian editor selects his letter to publish but unfortunately he most probably did so just to point out to the readers how stupid renewable energy advocates can be.

How embarrassing  for him.

Look up dams and/or reservoirs Stephen and apply it to Wind power.


A group of white Americans occupy government property and get called “militiamen” yet, if a group of Muslims did the same thing, they would be “terrorists”. Go figure.

Peter Long, Gunnedah, NSW

Some of them are Militiamen Peter.  Go on line and read about why they are there before you make everyone aware of how unaware you are.  Oh, and in most cases when Muslims occupy buildings they also slaughter the innocents inside.  It’s called Terrorism.

Go figure.

Sack Her


Captain Mona Shindy

When I was serving under the colours if you so much as hinted at a political opinion then the chances are you would be asked to resign your commission.  Professional ADF Officers are required to be apolitical. Or at least they were . Not any more it seems, particularly if you are a Muslim.  Captain Mona Shindy (pictured) is the Chief of Navy’s strategic adviser on Islamic affairs. Strategic adviser on Islamic affairs!  What the hell does that mean? In a Defence situation Strategy is the art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle but apparently not only has the requirement to be apolitical changed but so has the definition of strategy. So, is Captain Shindy’s role to advise the Chief of Navy on how to strategically defeat the Islamic Terrorists? No! It would appear her role is to attack any Australian politician who says anything negative about Islam.  As senior Muslim in the Navy Captain Shindy has been operating  a Twitter account. From The Australian;
A navy Twitter account has been shut down after its most senior Muslim officer retweeted a counter-terrorism expert mocking Tony Abbott following the Liberal Party leadership coup and backed the Grand Mufti’s ­response to the Paris terrorist ­attacks.
Two reasons to ask her to resign her commission right there in that one sentence.  Publicly Mocking a politician and siding with the enemy.
On November 18, five days after the Paris attacks, Captain Shindy used the @navyislamic account to declare Dr Abu Mohamed was a “righteous & courageous man who categorically denounces” Islamic State and terrorism, tweeting the hashtag #IStandWithTheMufti.
Take her uniform off her and let her #StandwiththeMufti who thinks causative factors such as foreign policy, the media and lack of opportunity were fuelling Islamic extremism. That is, the West are to blame. The Chief of Navy and the Minister for Defence need to be questioned by the Media as to how this situation has been allowed to continue.  However, that’s not going to happen anytime soon as the Media most probably think it’s a good thing.  As the ADF continues to march towards political correctness as dictated by the Left they are losing their emphasis on defending the realm. Sack her! Bernard Gaynor has a lot more about Captain Shindy but Defence reckons she’s a winner.

Give us a break Penny

pennywongALP are leaping on anything to detract people from the Trade Union Crime Watch report Royal Commission
Acting Opposition Leader Penny Wong said just four days into the 2016 election year the government was “in chaos” and that Mr Dutton’s texting mishap, in which he labelled a senior female journalist a “mad f—ing witch”, warranted a strong response from Mr Turnbull.
Settle down Penny, the government isn’t in crisis, the ALP are – remember 14%…TURC etc.  Turnbull is just getting rid of Abbott supporters as he battles to come across as In charge.  Men talk like that and to suggest that Dutton’s “mad witch” text is anything other than a miss pressed button is ludicrous.  A bit clumsy is all……unless he meant to do it but I can’t see any advantage in that…so let’s just call it clumsy. The mad witch herself didn’t seem to put out by the text so why should anyone else? Jamie Briggs had to go as he made no bones about being an Abbott man.   Prosecution at Twitter and in the media overall, and Prosecution they be, can only come up with “complimented a young staffer and then pecked her on the cheek when he left to go back to his room” Waiting for evidence of a crime that requires him to fall on his sword…waiting…waiting. Drunk?  No evidence…hitting on the girl…no evidence…Giving away State secrets whilst drunk in a bar…no evidence. Notwithstanding the lack of any crime, Briggs’ political career is most probably over so let’s forget him and move on to the real problem. Malcolm Turnbull.

Duncan Lewis told to say “Be nice to Muslims”

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says it is “appropriate” for ASIO director-general Duncan Lewis to “speak out” if the debate on counter-terrorism in Australia is concerning him.
The Australian has revealed Mr Lewis phoned Coalition poli­ticians to urge them to use the soothing language favoured by Malcolm Turnbull in their public discussion of Islam. In what is thought to be an unprecedented intervention in politics by a head of the spy agency, Mr Lewis is said to have told the MPs that their more robust comments risked becoming a danger to national security. Mr Lewis has been defended by Labor and Greens MPs today and by the Foreign Minister. Well, you have it right there.  If the ALP and the Greens defend Duncan then he’s plain wrong.  It smacks of Turnbull directing Lewis to talk to politicians with the implication being that Abbott is wrong to say Islam needs a reformation and  is therefore dangerous. I would like to know whether he initiated the calls or was directed to do so. I suspect the latter. Disclosure: In a previous life I served with Duncan in the West and hold him in high regard. UPDATE: Turnbull denies instructing Lewis to phone MPs and says that just two MPs, Andrew Hastie and Dan Tehan, have been called by Mr Lewis. In a thinly veiled reference to predecessor Tony Abbott, who wrote a column last week calling for a blunter debate about Islam, Mr Turnbull said Mr Lewis “doesn’t just write” about terrorism.
“There are some people who like to write about terrorism,” he said. “There are some people who like to express theories about terrorism – theories about religions and so forth. That’s fine, they’re entitled to do that. “Duncan Lewis has actually fought against terrorism. He has led soldiers against terrorism. He is defending Australia today. He knows what he’s talking about.”
Abbott just doesn’t write about terrorism either.  He was PM for a part of the War against Terror and actually realizes we are in a war and that the people we are fighting will not respond to diplomacy but need to be defeated on the battle field. Until the West does that the war will continue.

Bill Leak in trouble

bill leakI don’t know an associate professor of sociology at Macquarie University called Amanda Wise, but she knows me. She knows me so well, in fact, that she’s not only able to tell me what my cartoons mean, but she’s also able to tell me what I was thinking while I was drawing them. There I was, naively thinking that if I drew a group of poor Indian people trying to eat solar panels contained in parcels sent to them by the UN anyone seeing the cartoon would assume it meant the people in it were hungry. But, no. What I thought I was thinking wasn’t what I was thinking at all. According to Ms Wise, my “unequivocally racist” cartoon drew on “very base stereotypes of third world, underdeveloped people who don’t know what to do with technology”. leak The Twitter verse went ballistic with people claiming the cartoon was racist. The cartoon is ridiculing Climate activists, not Indians, but the Left don’t get it so I’ll leave it up at the masthead for a day or two.  Maybe it will eventually dawn on them. But somehow I doubt it. They will maintain the right to be perpetually outraged at things they don’t understand. Go here to Twitter to witness the insanity of the Twitterverse.
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