Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Kiwis embarrassed

Australia raises more at a cricket match for Tsunami victims than the NZ Government gives in aid.
IN true Australian fashion, the nation turned to sport in response to its heartbreak over the tsunami disaster and raised $14.6 million for the devastated regions of Sri Lanka and India.
Striving hard be outdone, NZ offers the proceeds of an afternoon tea party at the Lefty Luvvies club in Wellington.
NEW Zealand will dramatically raise its tsunami aid after criticism of the Government’s “inadequate” $NZ10million donation and embarrassment over aircraft breakdowns that have hampered aid flights.
Not only is Hulun Clarke tight she is also anti military. Having disabled the fighter arm of the NZ Airforce she has also opted to rebuild 38 year old Hercules aircraft rather than buy new ones. And pays the cost.
Two New Zealand Air Force C-130 Hercules planes have struck maintenance problems in recent days while attempting to deliver aid to the Indonesian province of Aceh, forcing flights to be delayed and preventing Foreign Minister Phil Goff from touring the devastated region.
I though left leaning governments were big on charity but with Australia giving an average of $57.25 per person and NZ $2.45 per I’m not so sure. I don’t have an issue with Kiwis per se except to point out that they are developing a track record of voting in weird governments. I now wait for the caterwauling from the left about how Hulun Clarke was embarrased into increasing donations to the Tsunami victims – just like George Bush. Waiting…waiting….waiting

Where’s Wally Mark Latham

Mark is on sick leave and nothing will change his mind. His doctor said he is to take it easy. 150,000 people die and the silence is deafening. Nothing. Bad call, Mark. Labour aplogist, University of Adelaide professor of surgery Guy Madden, explains why Mark may be keeping silent
…(he) said the pain that pancreatitis caused was “extremely severe” and “one of the more unpleasant pains” that patients might suffer. Morphine and pethidine were options for pain relief in such cases, he said, especially in severe cases. As pain reduced, he said, codeine preparations were often used that broke down in the body into compounds similar to morphine. “In large doses, it makes people less than sensible,” he said. “Many of the pain medications will make you less than functional – they make it difficult to be rational and sensible.”
I had a friend die of pancreatic cancer last year and he could talk right up to the eve of his death. He made sense and he was on morphine. Tim Blair reports Mark may be on holiday at Terrigal. Holiday…sick leave..all the same. If you getting ‘Leader of the Opposition’ type remuneration then the country can reasonably expect a comment from you on the Tsunami disaster. Even if sick and incapacitated it wouldn’t take much to gather some Labour stallwarts around his bed and whisper in their ears… ..Just say to the press that…I feel for the people in the disaster area, support the Government in what they are doing and…cough…cough… will visit the area when I’m better ( or when I get back from Terrigal)

Torture or not

Over at Southerly Buster Alan is maintaining the rage over the treatment of prisoners by the US in Guantanano and elsewhere…or in fact anywhere. He then goes onto try and prove torture alegations but misses the point in not defining torture. He goes on about torture but in todays world torture can be anything from bad music to ordinary food. As the radical Left lost their prime cause long ago when the Berlin Wall came down the only viable anti-US force today are the terrorists organizations and it is to them the Left must turn in their war against the US. In my reading, occassioned by the re-emergence of the Abu Ghraib saga in the press, I came across this piece at City Journal. It is lengthy but for readers with a desire to seek the truth and thus be able to counter the Left’s spurious ‘torture’ claims, it is well worth the read. A good read for a slow Sunday. Via Donald Sensing at One Arm Clapping

Aceh Photos

Go here for the best set of photos of the devastation resulting from the tsunami. The photos are before and after satellite shots with a toggle for easy comparison. They are very graphic, particulalry Set 5 and 6 that captures the damage at Banda Aceh Shore. Courtesy reader Bob Buick.

Vung Tau

After the emotion of visiting the old battle sights we settled in Vung Tau for a couple of days RinC (Rest in Country). We visited the Ettamogah Pub for breakfast each morning and planned our day. Sometimes the planning took the form of a one-liner – ‘taking it easy today’. On other days we explored the town that had once been my leave port. I didn’t recognize much at all and I guess the fact that I had only been there a few times and that was 30 plus years ago might have had something to do with my poor recollections. The other contributing factor could have been that I was usually drunk when I had been there previously. The more gentle of my readers may think that is a poor show but considering that I was Infantry and that some of the mates I had spent earlier leave passes with had been killed or de-limbed by mines then you might understand that each subsequent leave pass was spent in the knowledge that it may be my last -literally. The sword of Damocles imbues a desire to live the rest of your life to the fullest, at the earliest. And I did! That’s my excuse anyway. Continue reading »

Bush under seige for helping

In the early days of the Tsunami disaster every western country volunteered aid proportional to the number of known victims. As this number increased so did the amount of aid offered. Each and every country adjusted as incoming figures indicated the problem was far greater that originally thought. In each and every country this was accepted as reasonable except in the case of the US. Because Bush and the US are so hated by left wing commentators it become a case of ‘Bush was embarrassed into giving more’. Over at Surfdom Tim is ranting – in full stride – castigating Bush. He even accused Bush of being so terrible that he ‘Ordered’ flags to be flown at half mast as if this was a sin in itself. To quote Tim in all his snide ignorance
But wait, I’m being unfair. There’s more: US President George Bush said the carnage defied comprehension and ordered that flags be flown at half-mast across America in honour of the tsunami dead. Don’t you love the way they use the word “ordered” in that sentence? He ordered the flags be flown at half mast. Makes you quiver. And sure enough, as we continued along Pennsylvania Avenue, there atop the National Archives building was a half-mast stars-and-stripes. He ordered that.
Such amazing ignorance from an educated man. Flags are always ‘Ordered’ to be flown at half mast for occasions such as this. It’s an Executive order you idiot. Otherwise how do you think the entire nation would co-ordinate the event. The Indonesian President orders flags to be flown at half mast;
President Yudhoyono, who is on his way to Sumatra’s Aceh region to witness the extent of the damage and inspect relief efforts, has ordered flags to be flown at half-mast.
but gets no flack. French President..British PM…Australian PM…German President… Finnish..Swedish..In short, everybody ?Orders? the nations flags to fly at half mast but only Bush warrants snide comments. People leaving comments at Tim’s post likewise show an amazing amount of ignorance. One, going by the alias of Link leaves us with this wisdom
2,300 Marines aboard the Missouri, parked off the coast of Sumatra – doing what? Turning a disaster into a war opportunity. How could Indonesia allow it? Malaysia apparently rejected offers of Israeli aid because they wanted to bring troops with them. Did Indonesia have any say in this? Can we tell the Missouri to leave a big cheque, perhaps a big helicopter but for the most part to fuck right off?
What appalling ignorance. I can imagine that Link’s vision is impaired with a red mist occasioned by hatred for Bush and all things American and therefore could not see that in the TV reports the lines of supply – roads, rail, airports etc are all damaged. Having a carrier group off the coast compensates for all this. The helicopters have their own maintenance hangars, their own fuel supply and a large ship for storage and handling of emergency supplies. Oh, and?Link, it’s the USS Abraham Lincoln, not the Missouri (which, coincidently is a Battle ship)
En route to South Asia: the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier group, equipped with 12 helicopters, and a Marine expeditionary force with seven ships and 25 helicopters.
The carrier group most probably costs millions a day to operate but never mind – the left have worked out how to belittle the US contribution. abelincoln.bmp The USS Abe Lincoln off Aceh It’s great and if Australia had a carrier our support would be the better for it. There has been talk of a Marshall Plan for Asia. In a recent News. com article Tim Costello raises the issue as does the LA Times. It makes sense and may be the way to go. It could impact on terrorist recruitment in Asia as well. Indonesian terrorists have been reasonably successful in painting Australia as evil, particularly in the light of East Timor however the hue has changed. The people know who is helping and it isn’t the Moslem world. For those unfamiliar with the term Marshall Plan, I have provided links for your information. Left wing types should be cautioned – it is very difficult to fault the US in this matter so you may find it unsettling. In fact, thinking about it, maybe you should stay away from facts and maintain you?re ignorance. Others should visit USAID’s Marshall Plan home page and also check in at the Marshall Foundation Knowledge. The ammo in the war against the stupid Left

Nui Dat and Long Tan

While aspiring film producer Martin Walsh tries to get a movie of the Battle of Long Tan underway I am walking through the rubber where it all happened nearly forty years ago. The rubber is being tapped now and workers walk through the plantation where years before just over 100 men of Delta Company, 6RAR stood their ground against 2500 odd enemy soldiers. Getting to Long Tan was an experience by itself. Anh, at the Ettamogah Pub organised the permits necessary that any tourist, veteran or otherwise, needs to visit and pay respects at the Long Tan Cross. $10.00 USD per visitor for the permit that comes with an escort and $40 USD for the vehicle and driver. The escort, a polite young man did his country proud. He treated us with respect as we did him, and only mentioned the word ‘Victory, six times over the day. Continue reading »

Foreign Aid

As a matter of interest, can anyone tell me how much Iran, Saudi Arabia, Oman or Yemen have donated to the Tsunami victims. There is some serious money over there with Iran’s GDP just a little less than Australia’s and Saudi Arabia’s nearly 300 billion. There are a lot of Moslems in the troubled areas so one would think they would want to help their brothers even if they ignored the plight of any christians. I’m sure they are helping – I just haven’t seen it in the media


I was in Nha Trang when the news of the Tsunami hit the TV and as has happened many times in the past I was proud to be an Australian. Very early into the tragedy we saw fairly extensive coverage of Foerign Affairs Minister Downer offering millions in aid with video of RAAF Hercules aircraft leaving for the area with water, tarps etc on board. Several hours later Downer and Australia were still the lead item of BBC Asia and CNN Hong Kong broadcasts after stats and tsunami videos. For hours we were the only first-world nation reported as doing something to help. That type of positive coverage means more than ASEAN meetings ever will and leaves an indellible positive impression on the minds of Asian nationals, expats and tourists. I note in todays press people are talking about an early warning system for Tsunamis. Michael Richardson posts an article in the Australian says;
Scientists estimate that Sunday’s tsunami, travelling at an average speed of about 800km/h, took at least two hours to reach Sri Lanka and India ? more than sufficient time for an advance alert to have been given, had a system such as that in the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Ewa Beach, Hawaii, been in operation.
I’m sure Governments, engineers and social workers can work it out but don’t imagine for a moment that two hours notice is going to change everything. Two hours notice at Phu Ket would have saved alot of tourists but in Aceh – I’m not so sure that the locals could have moved far enough to save themselves. I think the water reached 6 or more kilometers inland and that was after the area suffered damage from the earthquake itself. When you are looking through the rubble that was your home it’s hard to the have to run with your kids and the chatells you feel you should save. Third world country…poverty…living by fishing…living near the coast…the luxury of choosing your circumstances and locality isn’t always available. It’s not easy but I agree we do need to work on it. We do need to help these poor people but a Tsunami Early Warning sytem only addresses one of the many tragedies they face in their daily lives. In Aceh particularly, Moslem activists will be saying ‘Insaf Allah’ (It is the will of Allah) believing that Allah has smitten the christians of Ache. Poor buggers – there are many ways to die.
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