Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.


How does anyone expect the Palestinians to ever become a functioning nation. I mean the last time I saw anything like the chaos of Arafat’s funeral it was a mob of drunken soccer hooligans They can’t even mourn decently. Shots fired in Arafat’s mourning tent. Someone insulted someone else and the AK54s start rattling as they would if wielded by idiots that fire the bloody things in the air like a child in the first place. The Jeruselum Post reports;
At first, Palestinian police and soldiers fired off entire magazines in an attempt to keep the mourners from enveloping the helicopters. Then they seemed to do it for the celebratory effect.
Totally lacking in any form of discipline others join in the decidedly dangerous practice.
Masked gunmen joined in the manic gunfire which only ceased two hours later.
Palestinian officials later said that nine people were wounded, one critically, from the gunfire. Hundreds more were treated for various injuries, including falling off walls, trampling, and dehydration ? aggravated by a blazing sun and the widely-observed Ramadan fast.
Nine people wounded! Hundreds injured! Masked gunmen! At a funeral, for God’s sake Remember the pomp and ceremony of Churchill’s funeral; The heart felt sadness and that little boy saluting his father at Kennedy’s funeral; the reverence of Menzie’s departure and then witness the stampede of primeval adulators and idolaters of the murdering thug Arafat at his final circus. These people have a very long way to go to statehood.

Hawker new Speaker

David Hawker, the member for Wannon (Vic) has been elected Speaker of the House and moves up into the $200,000 bracket. He has been a member for 20 years, Deputy Speaker for six years and was recently re-elected with a massive primary vote of 57.6%
Victorian MP David Hawker today promised to be firm but fair after winning the coveted job of Speaker of the House of Representatives ahead of former minister Bronwyn Bishop.
Well he would, wouldn’t he?
The wheat farmer and grazier from rural Victoria beat Mrs Bishop 42 votes to 32 for the $200,000-a-year job of maintaining order in the lower house.
David Hawker has a personal website here and his government website is here

Arafat Dies at last

The PLO have announced that Arafat has died. I’m not sure why he was kept on life support for so long or conversely, why it took authorities so long to announce his death, but there are some interesting theories. It seems the PLO and his wife, separately, wanted Arafat to cough up with some pin numbers The World Net Daily asks Where are Arafat’s stolen billions?
His personal fortune has been estimated at between $2 and $3 billion, most of it in Swiss bank accounts. He would have been worth a lot more were it not for the hard times in exile from 1982 until 1993, when Arafat was worth up to $5 billion, mostly through drug trafficking in Lebanon.
I Googled arafat+stolen money and got 95,000 hits. Must be something in the theory. Can you imagine, for a moment, Howard or Bush being accused of slipping two to three billion dollars of their nations riches into private swiss bank accounts! There would be battalions of pro-bono lawyers struggling to pick up the chase. MSM would go beserk, The ABC would even replace The Bill and SBS a soccer match with talking heads screaming for blood. A nainstream terrorist does it and Annan Koffee sends a sympathy card, and at one stage, where his stolen wealth was about 5 billion dollars, he even received the Nobel Peace prize. Jesus! JEFF JACOBY in the Boston Times writes a piece called Arafat the monster and gets straight to the point
In a better world, the PLO chief would have met his end on a gallows, hanged for mass murder much as the Nazi chiefs were hanged at Nuremberg. In a better world, the French president would not have paid a visit to the bedside of such a monster. In a better world, George Bush would not have said, on hearing the first reports that Arafat had died, “God bless his soul.”
God bless his bloody soul!…
God bless his soul? What a grotesque idea! Bless the soul of the man who brought modern terrorism to the world? Who sent his agents to slaughter athletes at the Olympics, blow airliners out of the sky, bomb schools and pizzerias, machine-gun passengers in airline terminals? Who lied, cheated, and stole without compunction? Who inculcated the vilest culture of Jew-hatred since the Third Reich? Human beings might stoop to bless a creature so evil — as indeed Arafat was blessed, with money, deference, even a Nobel Prize — but God, I am quite sure, will damn him for eternity.
Reuters, with Agence France-Presse quotes French President Jacques Chirac:
“With him disappears a man of courage and conviction who for 40 years embodied the Palestinians’ struggle for recognition of their national rights.”
Can’t any world leaders say – We are glad the murdering swine is dead? It’s too early to tell whether his demise will herald in a more civilized PLO leader but I hope so. If they managed to get some of his stolen blood money back they might be able to help their own people with schools and decent medical services. Nah – more semtex, assault rifles and RPGs would be the PLOs answer. Update: This obituary in the Times Online is worth reading

Sit-down cash ends for blacks

ABORIGINAL welfare is to be rebuilt from the ground up with the introduction of behavioral “contracts” with black communities in return for healthcare, education, dole money and services, in an attempt to turn around 40 years of failure. Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone said the payment of “sit-down money” would end. The Government proposals include
….the “no school, no pool” system to reward school attendance by stopping children from visiting the community swimming pool if they do not attend classes.
The rewards system includes a DVD player for the community to run movie nights for children who attend school, and a pool of bikes to be ridden by children in the afternoons after they have attended school Predictably Aboriginal leader Pat Dodson angrily condemns the plan thus headlining one of the major problems Australia has with fixing the indigenous problems.
“This is not mutual obligation — nothing like it,” he said. “It’s fascism gone mad. It’s crazy stuff. Two hundred years of enlightenment and this is the best they’ve been able to deliver.
Any plan that even hints of paternalism is labeled fascism. You?re no help Pat. Always critical but never, ever suggesting an alternative plan for debate. I don’t know all the answers but I do know a plan, an idea, always beats just more of the same. Community members can scream fascism all they want but that only amounts to doing nothing and obviously something has to be done. Pat goes on to say
… the plan had all the hallmarks of a government short on ideas. Having rejected the big picture — constitutional change, a treaty, land rights and reconciliation — and having questioned the validity of the stolen generations and minimalised native title, the Howard Government now planned to use welfare payments as a weapon for change.
Dead right, Pat. Constitutional change, treaties, land rights and reconciliation, stolen generations and native title are not answers to real life problems. Cool over coffee in Military Road, Cremorne but meaningless in remote communities. Sober up and get your kids off to school is a good first step to racial pride and a long way ahead of whatever constitutional change your looking for. We have tried grog bans but life isn’t that simple. As I commented in a previous blog, while the locals have the cash they will buy grog. If the town is dry, they will consume it on the outskirts. ATSIC regional commissioner Michael White, who was invited on to the Government’s new indigenous advisory council, questioned why Aboriginal people should be the “only ones forced to do this.”
“It sounds like blackmail to say that if you’re not a good enough mum or dad, you won’t receive any payments and won’t be able to feed your kids.”
You may have a point Michael, but making it doesn’t help your people. Plenty of white families have similar problems but that isn’t your worry. You either accept the plan man, or come up with a better one. You’re there to help the blacks, not to cry – ‘but they do it, why can’t we?’ Smart-card push to ensure payments not wasted headlines another suggested solution. Dole money to be accessed through smart cards that have implanted father chips saying no, you cannot buy grog – try buying food, school clothes for your kids or pay your electricity bill. While accepting Aboriginal communities did have problems with children’s school attendance rates and alcohol abuse, Mr Yeatman and fellow councilors at Yarrabah, south of Cairns, felt the proposed welfare reforms would do little to get people working. Councilor Josephine Murgha said the reforms were yet another example of the Howard Government pushing policies on Aboriginal communities without consulting them. Wrong, The moves were first laid on the table by Aboriginal leaders
Since Mr Quartermaine raised their potential benefit for child protection, Tasmanian ATSIC commissioner Rodney Dillon, Australia’s first indigenous woman MP Carol Martin, child health expert and former Australian of the Year Fiona Stanley, and Cape York lawyer Noel Pearson have backed smart cards as an option worth exploring.
She goes on to say
“We would rather sit down with Yarrabah people and develop strategies and ways to deal with kids who are not attending school,”
Councilor Murgha, the problem has existed for a long time now. ATSIC have had the chair and the chance for years and haven’t improved on the situation. Bad plan too date, let’s try another one.

A date to remember

Tomorrow marks the anniversary of the end of two Australian tragedies. World War I and the Whitlam Government. I will commemorate one and celebrate the other. Watch the ‘Maintain the Rage’ losers tomorrow as they try again to deify Whitlam. 29 years ago at the subsequent general election Australia spoke loud and clear yet the luvvies still fondly remember Gough and his terrifying uncosted ideas that needed billions from the Arab world to impliment. A day to quietly thank the voter and the soldier.

The Battle for Fallujah

There are a lot of dry mouths, watery bowels and heads bowed in prayer in Iraq as 12,000 soldiers prepare to battle in Fallujah. Men will die, women will weep and the left wing will still fail to get the message that a democracy in the Middle East is an answer to the question they can’t fathom. The Australian quotes in full a Sunday Telegraph piece by Hala Jabah where Hala touches on the enemy Order of Battle (ORBAT) that includes # 5000 rebel fightersTerrorists # 300 foreign fighters terrorists volunteers for suicide bombings # 118 vehicles already rigged with explosives, and # Homes and narrow lanes booby trapped. Another bad day at the office for the troops about to enter Fallujah but they know their stuff and have been through it before. They will prevail and the terrroists will weaken further Over at Greenside a Marine pens an email home. It’s worth the time to read in it’s entirety but to quote just a paragraph..
If we build a school or clinic, they destroy it. They would rather deny medical care or education for the children of the citizens who live nearby than to have any symbol of the West in general and America specifically among them. It is hard to comprehend. Frankly, we are done trying. For eight months, we have been on our chain.
The chain has been let loose. Go for it guys.

Education matters

A lot has been said about eduaction being an answer to indigenous problems and I for one have raised it often. In my recent trip to Arnhem Land I listened to supporters of Black Prince Galarrwuy Yunupingu talk of his plan of identifying young talent and sending them off to southern boarding schools. All well and good, I though, but what of the rest. Not only is there a dearth of schools in indigenous country but without parental support the education that is available isn’t working. Truancy rates are too high and as a result too few kids reach high school age anywhere near the standard of their white counterparts. An atmosphere that doesn’t revere education hardly encourages kids to study at night. So, whereas I support recent talk of sending kids to southern boarding schools I also ask what are we doing about those that are not meeting the standards to enter high school. Education in situ needs to be fixed as well. Noel Pearson raises the subject in a piece entitled Noel Pearson: No danger of another stolen generation. Stolen generations, Jesus, why do we always have to preempt left wing caterwauling. At least we are discussing indigenous education.

Aussie troops shoot man in Iraq

Aussie Troops fire rounds in anger….
The man, whose nationality is not known, did not respond to signals to stop as he drove “in an erratic manner” towards an Australian patrol in Baghdad, a defence public affairs spokesman said last night. The Australian troops opened fire on the vehicle, which they felt presented a threat to the patrol, injuring one of its occupants.
…and miss!
This person was later seen to be taken away in another vehicle by Iraqi civilians and the extent of his injury was not known to the Australian troops, the spokesman said.
diggers.jpg Pictured is digger contemplating loss of Mil Skills portion of his pay for not killing a terrorist when he had the chance. The spokesman said the troops had acted within their rules of engagement, but an investigation into the incident would be carried out. I trust the investigation looks into why the Iraqi was only wounded and why the killing zone wasn’t secured.

Bush home and hosed

Both Kerry and the Australian SBS refuse to admit defeat but it looks home and hosed to me. SBS report Ohio terribly close..closest poll in polarized. Why is a country polarized when conservative governments win and politically mature when Left wing governments win. Ohio is terribly close to the point where Bush is ahead by a statisticsally unsurmountable lead according to Ohio’s Secretary of State. All of SBS’s reporting was as at close of counting in the US whereas the bloggers of the world are still up and posting and subsequently more recent. The ABC are rerunning a Bush lied, Powel lied, WMD’s are still important to us and the Abu Graib saga doco. I guess the programmers run the show in anticipation of a Kerry win. Makes it all the more poignant to the luvvies viewing. However, there is some good news for Kerry. He won the ‘Straw Pole’ held at ‘Harry’s New York’ bar in Paris. Well he would. Wouldn’t he? A comment from Tim Blair’s site sums it up.
… a great night for conservatives around the world, and a bad night for Islamic fundamentalists, terrorists and Communists.

Bloody Soldiers

Army Aviation in trouble. have the story here but no pic. It took me awhile but I found it. Armyhuey.jpg Politically incorrect and therefore funny. I hope the digger’s OC has a sense of humour and doesn’t come down to hard on him.I know I would have trouble keeping a straight face during the hearing.
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