Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Some Bush Poetry

WE pensioned off old Blue, our dog
when old age got him down
We sent him for company
to old Grandma in the town

But while Granny was elated
Blue still craved the great out doors
and he would roam the town exploring
while old granny did the chores

So, it was this Sunday morning
Blue was fossicking about
through the paddocks near the township
on his normal daily scout

When a canine gourmet odour
overpowered his sense of smell
though his eyesight had diminished
his old sniffer still worked well

And the sense of his excitement
was reposed down by the creek
where a sheep had met his maker
for the best part of a week

For its woolly corpse was spreading
and the air was far from fresh
from this rancid flyblown carcass
with its seething greenish flesh

It was a dogs idea of heaven
and old Blue, he rubbed and rolled
till he ponged just like the sheep did
and with ecstasy extolled

Then an idea formed within him
as he gave a gentle tug
and he found the carcass followed
like a matted lumpy rug

He would take it home for later
it should last a week or two
if he stored it in his kennel
he could keep his prize from view

So he gripped the carcass firmly
proudly into town he went
but his load proved fairly heavy
and old Blues energy soon spent

And the only shade on offer
was the building with the bell
and he dragged his prize towards
with its flies and feral smell

Then the dog and sheep both rested
in the front porch of the church
old Blue looked up the gangway
at the parson on his perch

He was revving up the faithful
to repent to save their worth
and said Satan was the culprit
for all the rotten things on earth

And he roared of fire and brimstone
and redemption for the throng
up the aisle came Satan’s presence
in this godforsaken pong

And they all cried “Hallelujah”
and they fell as one to pray
but by now old Blue was rested
and he hadn’t time to stay

He proceeded up the roadway
with the woolly corpse in tow
with a shortcut through the nursing home
the quickest way to go

Where the matron, in a panic
counted heads in mortal fright
with a smell like that they’d surely lost
a patient through the night

And the members at the bowls club
lowered all their flags half mast
doffed their hats in silence
for the funeral going past

But old Blue lugged his prize on homewards
travelling past the bowling club
till he took a breather under
the veranda of the pub

There old boozing Bill was resting
sleeping off the night before
to wait the Sunday session
when they opened up the door

When the stench awoke his slumber
which was highly on the nose
and he thought his pickled body
had begun to decompose

And he missed the Sunday session
when he ran home to his wife
to proclaim the shock announcement
he was off the booze for life

Meanwhile Blue could see Gran’s gateway
at the far end of the street
so he started up the pavement
with his ripe and tasty treat

But there was movement in the backstreets
as the town dogs sniffed in deep
they broke chains and climbed high fences
for a piece of Blue’s dead sheep

And Blue felt the road vibrating
from the stamp of canine feet
as this pack of thirty mongrels
came advancing up the street

But he wasn’t into sharing
so he sought a quick escape
and he spied a nearby building
with a door that stood agape

Through this door he sought asylum
but his presence caused a shriek
for he’d chosen the local deli
that was run by Nick the Greek

And Blue shot beneath a table
where the sheep and he could hide
but the dog pack was relentless
and they followed him inside

Now the table Blue had chosen
was a double booked mistake
with the law enforcement sergeant
sipping coffee on his break

And the sergeant sat bolt upright
with a dog between his feet
and his eyes began to water
from the dead decaying meat

Then the sarge leapt up in horror
but in his haste he slipped and fell
falling down amongst Blue’s mutton
with it’s all embracing smell

And he lay somewhat bewildered
in the gore, flat on his back
when the mongrel pack descended
in a frenzied dog attack

With first thought self- preservation
from the rows of teeth he faced
the sarge fumbled for his pistol
in it’s holster at his waist

There were muffled bangs and yelping
as random shots rang out
and the whine of bouncing bullets
off the brickwork all about

As he blasted in a panic
from beneath the blood and gore
a front window and the drink fridge
were both added to the score

And the cappuccino maker
copped a mortal wound and died
hissing steam, it levitated
falling frothing on it’s side

And Nick the Greek, the owner
grabbed a shotgun in his fright
blasting into the confusion
of the frantic canine fight

At short range it wasn’t pretty
dogs were plastered on the wall
there was laminex in splinters
clouds of dog hair covered all

Then the smoke detector whistled
with the gunsmoke in the air
which set off the sprinkler system
and a siren gave a blare

And the echoes still were ringing
when beneath the dying heap
there emerged old Blue, still dragging
at the remnants of his sheep

It’s head was gone and several legs
but it hadn’t lost it’s smell
in the armistice that followed
Blue decided not to dwell

He leapt the fence at Grandma’s
for his feet had sprouted wings
pure adrenalin propelled him
fleeing dogs and guns and things

Now old Gran had influenza
and had lost her sense of smell
with Blues sheep in the garden
that was probably just as well

And she looked out from her front fence
at the town in disarray
at the ambulance, police cars
and you guessed it, the RSPCA

Then the fire brigade rushed past her
flashing lights of rosy hue
and she hugged the old dog tightly
he’d protect her would old Blue

You just stay here like a good dog
Grandma told him with a frown
“cause you’ve no idea the trouble
you can get into in town”


They lined the ridge at sunset and in the waning light

The far-flung line of squadrons came on in headlong flight,

The desert land behind them — in front the fearful fight,

The Wells of old Beersheba must fall before the night …

With cold steel bayonets gleaming, in sodden seas of blood

They raced towards the stronghold, all in a crimson flood,

Such maddening surge of horses, such tumult and such roar

The Wells of old Beersheba had never seen before …

They stormed across the trenches and, so the stories say,

They drove the Moslem gunners as wild winds scatter spray.

No force or fire could turn them on that long maddening run,

The Wells of old Beersheba had fallen with the sun.

And those who came not homeward, their memory is grand —

The Wells of old Beersheba will guard their graves of sand

Edwin Gerard


From an article by Peter Craven in The Australian

Social justice or football?

So the SJFL (Social Justice Football League) previously known as the AFL are in trouble for calling for the resignation of two executives because they had affairs with two women also employed by the SJFL. The two women were not subordinates of the men, there were no complaints from the women and they weren’t teenagers.  Nowhere has there been a suggestion of harassment, bullying or discrimination nor has it been suggested that the affairs were non consensual.

The AFL is facing mounting criticism over a decision to force the resignation of two executives over workplace affairs, with its hard-line approach going far ­beyond what is considered best practice across the corporate and government sectors.

The AFL was accused of overreacting in calling for the resignations of its head of operations Simon Lethlean and commercial boss Richard Simkiss and of acting primarily to protect its own reputation from accusations it runs a blokey workplace culture.

The men were married but it’s not as if that doesn’t happen in pretty well every work place in Australia.

The SJL are forever going on about social justice to the detriment of and distraction from the game.  I’m not interested in the players sexual habits nor the colour of his skin.  I am simply interested in his agility, skills and sportsmanship and I’m not in a minority.

I’ll start watching AFL again when it drops it’s social justice agenda and starts concentrating on it’s core responsibility – providing sport for the masses.


Anne Coulter on Trump’s supposed telling the Russians a secret

The big secret Trump allegedly revealed is that Muslims might try to blow up a plane with laptops. I already knew that. I read it in The New York Times.

The New York Times, March 22, 2017:

Devices Banned on Some Planes Over ISIS Fears

“Intelligence showing that the Islamic State is developing a bomb hidden in portable electronics spurred the United States and Britain on Tuesday to bar passengers from airports in a total of 10 Muslim-majority countries from carrying laptop computers … two senior American counterterrorism officials said. …”

This totally secret, Deep Throat-level information has been widely published in thousands of news outlets throughout the civilized world. There was yet another round of stories last week with the update that the U.S. is considering a laptop ban on flights from Europe as well.

Trump met with the Russian Ambassador on 10 May, a full three weeks after the laptop “secret” was headlined in the NYT.

Seriously, the attacks against Trump are bordering on insanity.

Ever watched a rugby game of 7 year olds.  They all just chase the ball wherever it goes. Makes me think of journalists.

The drop the “Trump told the Russians a secret” line but to prove that that is bad for the US someone kicks the ball and they all swarm after it.

It lands near UK PM.

Trying to establish the fact that the incident has prompted fears that the US’ allies may be reluctant to share intelligence with the country in future they question Theresa May but she doesn’t see their point.

Asked whether the reports would make her reluctant to share intelligence with the president, she replied that: “We continue to work with the United States and we continue to share intelligence with the United States, as we do with others around the world.”

The swarm settle and murmer amongst themselves.  Someone else kicks the ball and they all chase after it.  It lands in Israel.

It appears the fact that terrorist were looking to use laptops to blow up planes comes from Israel.  The swarm need to prove that allies hate Trump and won’t trust him anymore with state secrets.  

State secrets that were printed in the NYT two odd weeks before the event.

In the wake of the reports, Israeli officials have expressed confidence in the intelligence-sharing relationship.

Tweeting Wednesday morning, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman wrote, “The security relationship between Israel and our greatest ally the United States, is deep, significant and unprecedented in volume.”

“This relationship with the US is unprecedented in its contribution to our strength. This is how it has been and how it will continue to be,” Liberman added.

Israeli Minister of Intelligence Israel Katz also weighed in today.

“I have complete confidence in the American intelligence community. Intelligence cooperation between Israel and the United States regarding the threats posed by Iran and its proxies and ISIS and its affiliates will continue and deepen,” Katz said.

No joy there either.  


And none here.

  Even Democrat Nancy Pelosi warns the Trump666 crowd to get real.

At a CNN town hall Monday evening, Mrs. Pelosi warned Democrats pushing the impeachment of President Trump and said if they can’t make the case they shouldn’t even suggest the idea.

“In other words, again, if you are talking about impeachment, you are talking about what are the facts. Not that I don’t like him and I don’t like his hair and — what are the facts?” she said. “What are the facts that you would make a case on? What are the rules that he may have violated? If you don’t have that case you are just participating in more hearsay.”

No worries, the scrum return to the centre and someone again kicks the ball

They all chase after it like the swarm of 7 year olds they are and they just keep chasing it until something else come up.

Like this alarming fact.

At the White House he gets two scoops of ice cream while every one else gets only one.



Voltaire awards

Apparently free speech is only free if it attacks us conservatives. Liberty Victoria has announced Gillian Triggs as the 2017 winner of the Voltaire Award for her contribution to free speech.

Yep…really…free speech

Chris Kenny at The Australian says;

This is the ultimate sellout of the human rights crowd. Triggs is lauded not for adhering to their lofty principles but for being on the right side of their partisan political debates. Look at her record: she delayed an inquiry into children in detention for 18 months for political reasons; pursued three university students for years over innocuous Facebook posts; allowed the commission to spruik for complaints that were then taken up against cartoonist Bill Leak; and has repeatedly misled and been forced to correct her evidence to various parliamentary inquiries.

All of which suits Liberty Victoria’s charter.

In July Professor Triggs will share the stage at a gala award function in Melbourne with Georgie Stone, Liberty Victoria’s first recipient of its Young Voltaire Award for becoming, at age 10, “the youngest person in Australia to be granted permission by a court to take hormone blockers, the first stage of medical treatment for transgender children.”

I understand that from a left perspective anyone who attacks free speech such as Triggs does, is worthy of the award but what the hell has a poor trouble gender confused kid got to do with free speech?

According to Georgie Stone her first words were “Mum, I want a vagina.”  and that was when she was two!

Right….nothing suss there.  

According the Mayo Clinic website;

Although every child grows and develops at his or her own pace, toddler speech development tends to follow a fairly predictable path. For example, the average 2-year-old:

  • Speaks at least 50 words
  • Links two words together, such as “my cup” or “no juice”
  • Speaks clearly enough for parents to understand about half of the words

But not our Georgie.  No sir! She’s way ahead of that.  Full sentence…complicated word.

“Mum, I want a vagina”.

I understand and have empathy with kids with gender problems but Georgie is obviously an alphabet promotion and propaganda tool as is the Voltair award itself.

Come back Lewis Carroll, we need you to explain this.

Previous recipients of the left-wing gala award include Julian Assange, Get Up!, Julian Burnside, David Marr, Richard Ackland, Stephen Mayne and Waleed Aly.


Everyone’s offended

Latham is in trouble again.

Latham used his Sky News program to suggest a Sydney Boys High student who took part in a video in support of feminism, was gay.

“The boys at the boys school look like dickheads doing their video, total dickheads,” Latham said on air before adding, “I thought the first guy was gay.”

The first Prefect to appear said;

Feminism is important to me because a few months ago a guy wanted to have sex with me – I didn’t want to.

and walked off.  I did a double take as the prefect appeared to be a male and he was talking as if feminism effected him personally.  I replayed it – yep he’s male.

So, I think the first guy is gay as well but if he is or isn’t I don’t really care however I can’t see why a commentator can’t say “I think he’s gay”

Latham is also in trouble for saying Wendy Harmer is disabled.  I don’t know if a cleft palate qualifies as a disability but hey, Wendy does has a cleft palate. She doesn’t hide it and we all know and I can’t imagine too many people would judge her on her palate alone so what’s the big deal.

Are we all snowflakes looking for reasons to feel offended?

UN anti-Israel bias questioned

Trump selected new United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued a scathing criticism of the UN Security Council over their “anti-Israel” bias on Thursday after emerging from her first regular monthly meeting at the international body.

The former South Carolina governor noted that while it is the UN Security Council’s mission to discuss ways to maintain international peace and security, their meeting on the Middle East failed to address some of the region’s most pressing issues — namely, Hezbollah’s illegal buildup of rockets in Lebanon, the money and weapons the Iran regime is supplying to its terrorist entities throughout Latin America and the Middle East, ways to defeat the Islamic State, and how to hold Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad accountable for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of his countrymen.

“Instead, the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East,” Haley said. She added that while she is “new” to the United Nations, she is well-seasoned in her understanding of the UN Security Council’s generations-long bias against Israel. “I’m here to say the United States will not turn a blind eye to this anymore,” she said. “I’m here to underscore the ironclad support of the United States for Israel.”

At last the US has an adult at the UN and while we are talking about Israel wait until Israeli PM Netanyahu arrives in Australia. BDS and Antifa are guaranteed to be on the news as they go beserk criticizing the only democracy in the Middle East.

The Australia Palestine Advocacy Network has already started on their anti-Israel attack with a statement they organized.  It cites 60 prominent Australians.

In a joint statement, 60 prominent Australians – from businesswoman Janet Holmes à Court and former Federal Court judge Murray Wilcox, to retired Anglican Bishop George Browning and Harry Potter actress Miriam Margolyes – say Mr Netanyahu’s policies contravene international law.

An actress doesn’t like Israel…my god! I’ll have to rethink the matter seeing as how she can memorise a script writer’s words and all sort of stuff,  she must be a far greater thinker than I am.


DFAT Supports Hijab wearing

Ms Abdel-Magied who sat next to Malcolm Turnbull at the Iftar dinner for Muslim leaders held at Kirribilli House last year to celebrate the end of Ramadan, made headlines this week when, as a guest on the ABC’s Q&A program, she describe­d Islam as “the most femin­ist” of all relig­ions.

Her statement was rejected by a fiery senator Jacqui Lambie, who argued that those countries where sharia informs the law are some of the most violently mis­ogynistic places on earth.

Pity it was left to Corporal Senator Jackie Lambie to respond but Abdel-Magied’s statement certainly needs debate.

This also needs some debate;

The federal government paid for activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied to tour some of the world’s most repressive Islami­c regimes last Novem­be­r, promoting her book about being a Sudanese-Egypt­ian-Australian Muslim woman who wears the hijab.

The tour, which included stops in Saudi Arabia, where women are flogged for adultery and are not permitted to drive, was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which declined yesterday to reveal the cost.

Why would DFAT feel a need to dish out taxpayers funds to promote a book in the Middle East advocating hijab wearing ?

Trump and the Climate Change scam

The left are panicking about Trump’s dismissal of Climate change and threat to pull out of the Paris Accord. Andrew Light, who served as senior adviser to Todd Stern, Obama’s special envoy on climate change who led America’s Paris negotiations, says it’s too early to know Trump’s intentions.

But, apparently, it’s not to early to make this outrageous statement.

He says climate change, for instance, is widely seen to have played a role in igniting the Syrian civil war that has led to millions of refugees and the emergence of the so-called Islamic State

And they wonder why skeptics exist.

From The Age so you know it’s left skewed but it always pays to read the enemies words

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