Retired infantry officer. Conservative by nature and politics; Happily married and father and grandfather of eight. Loves V8 powered Range Rovers, Golden Retrievers, good books and technology and think there should be open season on Greenies. Born in the mid forties and overdue for servicing but most parts still work.

Foreign Fighter Legislation

ashley dyballA Brisbane man deported from Germany who spent several months with Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State in Iraq and Syria remains under invest­i­gation after being released without charge. Ashley Dyball, a 23-year-old former weightlifting enthusiast, returned to his family’s home in the Queensland capital yesterday after being questioned for several hours on arrival at Melbourne Airport late on Sunday night. Despite claims Australians who fight with the Kurds may avoid prosecution, it is understood Mr Dyball was released ­because police lacked the grounds on which to charge him under foreign-fighter legislation. Those convicted under the legislation face up to 25 years in jail.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton yesterday said that it was “difficult” to punish Mr Dyball because he came from a “very good family”.
What a ridiculous statement. So did Brett  Cowan,  murderer and sex offender who was convicted of the murder of Daniel Morcombe. I personally knew his father. Coming from a “good family” is a matter that the judge might consider when sentencing a person if found guilty but it certainly shouldn’t be considered when deciding whether someone should be charged or not. Immigration Minister needs to have a chat with Attorney General  

A bit late Bill

Workplace relations minister Bill Shorten during House of Representatives question time at Parliament House Canberra, Tuesday, June 18, 2013. (AAP Image/Alan Porritt) NO ARCHIVING Bill Shorten has suddenly decided to do something about the Unions stealing money from their members and exhorting bribes and blackmailing businesses. He is about to announce a proposal for significant new powers to crack down on corrupt unions in a bid to reposition Labor in the wake of the trade unions royal commission. After a year in which the Opposition Leader has been dogged by the royal commission and his performance in the witness stand, Labor will attempt to demonstrate to voters it too is prepared to crack down on corruption. Their first plan of attack was to ignore all the revelations coming out of the Trade Union Royal Commission but when the press kept on reporting the shady deals as facts, which they obviously were, they then started labeling it as a witch hunt.  The public saw through that as well so now Bill feels obliged to show he has “zero tolerance for criminality or corruption in the union movement”. “Zero Tolerance” as different from “Full Tolerance” that has been the ALP’s attitude to Union rorting up to this point. I don’t recall the words “Zero Tolerance” ever used during the Craig Johnson trials. Bill Shorten indicates he is still in denial;
“At the core of the Liberals and their political ideology, is a desire to destroy the ability of unions to effectively represent workers, making it easier to rip away pay and conditions like penalty rates,” he said.
No it isn’t Bill. The core of the Liberals and the thinking public’s ideology is to have unions operate under the same rules as businesses.  That is to say, when Union officials steal money from their members, extort money from businesses or blackmail them, they are fined or sent to prison just like Business leaders are. Don’t steal money from your members….nothing to fear. Don’t extort money or blackmail businesses….nothing to fear. Account for your funds through independent audit….nothing to fear. Easy Bill. I wonder if today’s news has any impact on Bill’s timing;
Two of Australia’s most powerful construction unionists have been charged with blackmail as a year-long investigation into Victorian CFMEU state secretary John Setka and his deputy, Shaun Reardon, arising from the trade union royal commission, culminated in dramatic arrests.
A bit hard to deny now.

Climate change flavour of the month

The ABC are flogging Climate Change for all it’s worth. If you aren’t a paid up member of the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists who will never get a gig on the ABC. And…I’m wary of Turnbull. It’s no accident that the polls are siding with him.  He’s a Lefty, believes in radical measures to stop nature as she warms and cools and has ascendancy in the polls simply because he isn’t a conservative.  The media, the insane Greens and rusted on ALP prefer him because he is one of them.  Doesn’t mean they will vote for him come election time however. Which leaves us with an outsider leading the Conservative Liberal Party. Unless something changes between now and the elections I will be faced with voting for a Left wing led LNP, the ALP or the insane Greens. Hobson’s choice indeed.

Under attack

White-crowned(3)Had a visitor last night.  Nearly stood on him as it was late and I had just turned the patio lights off.  He struck at me and hit my unshod foot causing me to rush to Google and find out who he is.  According to Snake Catchers Brisbane he is a White Crowned Snake

Species name: (Cacophis harriettae)

Weakly venomous

Other Common names:  Crowned Snake.

They go on to say;
Not considered dangerous to humans. All crowned snakes are reluctant biters, relying more on bluff display than bite. They are weakly venomous and have tiny mouths and short fangs. They will generally rear up & ‘mock strike’ with mouth closed, more of a ‘head butt’. If bitten, as with any snake bite, apply correct first aid and seek medical attention.
All OK, no fang marks but it made me wary. Big tough old soldier weakens at the knees when confronted with snakes and it matters not at all that he wasn’t even half a meter long. Possibly they are the most abundant of Brisbane’s smaller snake species and they are nocturnal which might explain why I have never, ever seen one. Keep an eye out for the little critters.

Triggs totally misses the point

triggAustralian Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs predicts the French people will reflect on their military involvement in the Middle East following the “deeply traumatic and scarring” attacks on Paris.
Professor Triggs, a former resident of Paris, said existing concerns about the potential consequences of military action will be “heightened” following the attacks.
“The French are a very politically engaged people … but I think the loss of so many people in such a cold-blooded and planned attack will heighten the concerns that they have about the role they are playing globally,” she told ABC Radio.
It sure will Gillian.  You watch the French ramp it up. She suggests France actually surrender and give up pursuing ISIS.
“I think the French will be looking into themselves into just what can be achieved by trying to stop ISIL, whether they should, or whether they should back away completely.”
Crazy dame.  I note she backs Turnbull and his soft stand on terrorism as he plans to send Peacemakers some time in the future…when everyone else has done the hard work….presumably. Amid reports a Syrian passport used to enter Europe through Greece was found near a suicide bomber, Ms Triggs called for political leaders to show courage and warn against associating the two issues.
‘There will undeniably be those who say that the relatively open borders have made it easier for terrorists to get in,’ Ms Triggs told ABC radio on Monday.
Undeniably Gillian, simply because it has. One  of the problems fighting ISIS is that useful idiots like Triggs exist and have a voice.


Turnbull on the Paris obscenity
Mr Turnbull made it clear that military action was crucial to success and signalled that he might consider more Australian troops being deployed there in roles such as peacekeeping.
That sentence is a contradiction in terms as Peacekeepers enter the combat zone after peace has been declared, and that is not happening anytime soon. The ABC news say world leaders vow to destroy ISIS.  Our guy says we’ll send peacekeepers. Embarrassing! Personally, I was disappointed that RAAF Hornets weren’t allowed out of their bunkers to fly alongside French Fighter Bombers in their missions overnight.

Dennis Shanahan talking about Abbott

His willingness to send troops to Iraq for training and fighter-bombers into Syria were of a piece with his view the US should do more in Syria to defeat “the death cult” militarily in the field, to stop terror attacks in Australia and elsewhere. Abbott’s view was that Daesh had to be destroyed in Syria and Iraq.
And all Turnbull offers is Peacekeepers.  Even civilians will understand that Peacekeepers aren’t the answer and that to win a war, and it is a war, the West need to destroy ISIS where they live.  They need to destroy their lines of communications and their logistics.  Find out where they are getting their AK 47/54s and destroy the factories.  They need to  track their finances, take the money and attack any nation that finances them and they need to close down their access to the internet. The West need to conduct all-out-war or suffer a litany of Paris events. Abbott’s view will prevail while Turnbull’s initial response will be hopefully forgotten as he gains some experience.  Wishful thinking I know, but I’m trying to be positive. We need to stand with Paris, not pray for them.  If you must pray then wait until we are burying ISIS troops and then pray for their souls to be eternally condemned.

Craig is broke.


Poor Craig

Disgraced former union boss and ex-ALP MP Craig Thomson has no money to pay any penalty imposed over hundreds of thousands of dollars in union funds he used without authority, including for prostitutes, the Federal Court has heard. That’s OK Craig, the courts have an answer for your problem  There is a formula of so many days in jail per thousands of dollars of fines so you can work it off. All the best and don’t drop the soap!

Wotif you are called to order

Here’s a thought.  If you use Wotif you are helping to close down the coal mining industry and by extension, lowering our standard of living and ability to help those in need.  You are also helping to stop millions of Indians escape poverty. An indigenous group trying to block Adani’s $16 billion Car­michael mine in central Queensland has abandoned claims of racism by the National Native Title Tribunal over its approval this year of a mining lease on its traditional lands. Ahead of a Federal Court challenge later this month to the tribunal’s decision in April, native title claimant Adrian Burragubba has also been dealt a blow, being ordered to pay court costs over changes to his original wide ranging legal suit to block the mining leases. Mr Burragubba, of the Wangan and Jagalingou people, originally had accused Adani of improper conduct in giving misleading analysis of future jobs and revenue from the megamine. However;
Earlier this year, it was revealed that Wotif founder Graeme Wood and former Greenpeace employee John Hepburn were involved in setting up a company, The Sunrise Project, to help Mr Burragubba fight Adani. Documents obtained by The Australian detail an offer of a $325,000 payment over one year “to initiate a community development program and explore their alternatives to mining on their country”. A “heads of agreement’’ between The Sunrise Project and a family council of the group, convened by Mr Burragubba, warned that assistance was contingent on continued opposition to the mine.
There should be a law against this type of radicalism and if there isn’t, one should be tabled in the house soonest and backed by LNP and the ALP.

Perpetually Offended

All Australia’s Catholic bishops (The Oz – paywalled) have been drawn into a national test case for freedom of religion and speech after Tasmania’s Anti-Discrimination Commission found they have a case to ­answer over humiliating gay, ­lesbian and transgender Australians by distributing a booklet supporting traditional marriage.
Archbishop of Hobart Julian Porteus was initially singled out in a complaint by transgender Greens political candidate Martine ­Delaney that she felt humiliated and that he had breached the ­Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act by circulating a booklet to the parents of Catholic school ­students called “Don’t mess with Marriage”. Ms Delaney, who has changed from a male to a female and lives in a same-sex relationship with a woman, said she was humiliated by the booklet which only paid “lip service” to showing respect to same-sex attracted Australians but actually sent out negative messages about them.
A transgender Greens political candidate who has changed from a male to a female and lives in a same-sex relationship with a woman is always going to be offended and humiliated. Perpetually! Read an article about a hetero couple.  OMG, how humiliating.  An article about live cattle export. OMG, how humiliating.  If I emailed her and told her I drive a V8 she would be upset as well. Now the rules of debate on the SSM issue have been set.  If you think any gender can marry any gender, and there is apparently more than two nowadays, all well and good.  If you don’t, stand by to be called in front of a Kangaroo Court or Anti Discrimination Commission. She seems to afraid of debate and is trying to shut it down. Why? Maybe because most of the country doesn’t care and she knows it.  We have bigger issues to deal with and harping from the perpetually offended SSM/Green Activist crowd doesn’t help their cause.

My tribute to Gough

In today’s letters to the editor in The Australian,  old OCS  classmate John Mosel reminisces on that fateful day.
One of my army unit’s trucks had broken down at a crossing at Betoota in western Queensland. I persuaded my CO to let me go with the aircraft taking the gearbox to the repair crew who were waiting at a hotel located on the crossing. On approach the next day, we overflew the pub which was surrounded by many vehicles. This was surprising because there were no buildings, other than the pub, as far as we could see. As we made our approach to the strip, a short distance from the crossing, a ute pulled away from the pub and drove towards us. The driver of the ute,  a young woman, backed the vehicle up to the side of the plane and told the pilot and I to take one end of the gearbox while she would handle the other. While effortlessly lifting her end into the back of the ute, she said, “Have you heard? They sacked that bastard Gough! Are you joining us for a beer?”
We all had a celebratory beer in the mess I was in at the time as well. How did you celebrate?  
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